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Beginner’s Mind

In one of his daily meditation this week, Richard Rohr was writing: “Beginner’s mind is a readiness to always be in awe, to always be excited. Beginner’s mind is one’s mind before the hurts of life have made us cautious and self-protective. We can still be excited, we can still be in awe, we can still expect tomorrow to be different than today.” 
Moving past what we already know is harder than we think. This is why when a question or distinction leaves someone speechless in our coaching circle, we may have struck a cord that can tip the inquiry into brand new territories. This is a critical moment…will the person retreat into their comfort zone, laugh this away, simply dismiss the disturbance or will they dare to jump into the void. What a golden opportunity for the client and for us as facilitator-coach to step into this opening, to tap into this delicate space of not knowing.
There was such a moment in the group I was leading yesterday and it was truly inspiring for everyone to see this unfolding.
How do you relate to or resonate with this beginner’s mind in own your coaching practice and in the groups you lead?
March 25, 2023
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