When the world asks of us to constantly improve our performance and to deliver results no matter what, we often put our head down and muster all the will we have to pull through. There’s no time for reflection, for sensing and feeling or for considering who might help. We tell ourselves that letting others know we’re stuck sends the wrong message and maintain the illusion that our reputation and self-image is intact.
Yet a part of us, maybe just under the surface, is waiving a flag…not a red flag but a white flag. This is the part that wants us to make peace with the reality that not everything is under our control, that we don’t know everything, that we’re not alone in facing the complexity of our lives. This is the part that’s looking for kinship in being able to hang in there with the hesitation, confusion, helplessness or whatever arises in the moment without hiding behind a mask. This is also the part that recognizes stuckness as a gateway into the depth of our being, an opportunity to understand what our reactivity protects and to discover what beauty and intelligence wants to shine through. Doesn’t this make being stuck a really fascinating possibility?
It’s probably not often though, that we find a place where we can be so completely open and trusting of others when we struggle or when we’re blind to new possibilities, a place where learning, collaborating and experimenting are far more important than achieving a goal. After leading coaching circles for over 20 years, I can say with great confidence that there is such a place. This is why I invite you to learn about this amazing technology and to bring it into your work or practice, whether you are a coach, facilitator or organizational development specialist. By leading coaching circles, you will help those in your group embrace the challenges and possibilities they face with presence, creativity and resourcefulness while developing the coaching skills they need to truly support others.
You can begin with the easy-to-read Quick Start Guide. It describes the key features and practices of coaching circles and provides useful tools to guide participants before, during and after coaching circle sessions.
If you are prepared to dive in more quickly, get the self-guided elearning course. The course consists of 5 modules organized around the life stages of coaching circles and 11 capsules focusing on the facilitation and coaching skills needed to lead coaching circles effectively and mindfully. With 12 hours of interactive guidance, you’ll be on your way to launching your first coaching circle with skill and confidence.
Check these out and our other resources on our website: www.coachingcircles.ca