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Intuitive design motivates learning

The Coaching Circles online course was one of the best-organized and intuitively designed online courses I have taken. The creative variety of online learning approaches nested in the overall design kept me engaged and facilitated my learning of the material.

Marilyn Osborne

Executive Coach, Toronto Canada

Le cours en ligne enrichit les compétences et la créativité

Non seulement ai-je revisité tout ce qui a soutenu l’expérience que j’ai vécue en atelier, c’est-à-dire la méthodologie, les objectifs et les outils de base mais j’ai enrichi de manière inattendue ma capacité à capter et à utiliser différentes façons d’aborder et de soutenir les participants d’un cercle de coaching. Le contenu est présenté avec beaucoup de clarté, les outils sont généreux en nombre et en qualité, les capsules du programme permettent de saisir pleinement l’étendue des possibilités par des exemples de cas types souvent observés en entreprise....Read more

Josée Mireault

Coach professionnel - Leadership et savoir-être en entreprise

An amazing one-two punch

When I asked for Charles’ help to develop coaches within my organization, he suggested a day of coaching circle practice after they completed the online course.  Everyone was amazed at the quality and depth of the online course and loved all the support and resources available.  This is truly top-notch adult learning design.   And then to top it off with a day with Charles and his “steady hands” guiding us through our learning, it was truly a day of breakthroughs and appreciation.  Thank you Charles and Fiona for this masterful course and for your skilful facilitation.

Ann Laidlaw

President, Laidlaw Corporate Coaching, Ottawa Canada
Coaching Circles® is a registered trademark of Impact Coaching Inc.
Website and course design by Bloom Creative